Glenn made not one but two major announcements on radio this morning! First, he announced that Mercury One, the non-profit he announced in June, was now up and running with a website and ready to start fundraising and putting donations and volunteer into action. The second announcement, however, was much more surprising in it’s scope and ambition – Glenn would be holding another “Restoring” event, this time in his new home of Dallas, TX. But unlike previous events in Washington, D.C. and Jerusalem, Israel, this event would see people take action like never before!
Glenn is calling the event “Restoring Love”, and it will see thousands of people across the country come to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area over three days to unite and perform acts of service across the area. Mercury One will administrate the event, but the non-profit will not be organizing specific service projects. Instead, Mercury One and Glenn Beck will be reaching out to individual organizations, churches, and more across the area and ask them the question: “If you had unlimited manpower for one day – what would you do?”
“I have said enough words. It’s time for me to help hold up the arms of community and faith leaders and serve those who are doing the heavy lifting on healing our nation,” Glenn said.
“It is not enough to talk about the problems, vote and expect others to do the work. When the world is in trouble the American people have always been the first to help. This time it is the America that is trouble but the good news is help is already here. We must set aside our differences and serve each other. With Love for even those who may despise or hate us we must renew our commitment to what Franklin called ‘the American religion’. The axiom ‘America is great because America is good’ is only true because of Franklin’s understanding that ‘there is a God, he will judge us, we should serve Him and the best way to serve Him is to serve our fellow man.’”
The events will take place from July 26th-July 28th. Volunteers will arrive to the Dallas area on July 26th to register, meet one another, and receive their assignments. July 27th will be a day of service across the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. July 28th will be an evening of inspiration with a special event held at Cowboys stadium.
Glenn will be holding a celebration of service on July 28th to cap off the three day “Restoring Love” event .The July 28th event will gather together people from across the country to recognize their labors of love and to reflect on the values that unite them. Speakers, music and a fireworks display are all in the works!
While participation at “Restoring Love” will be free on the 26th and 27th, a ticket will be required for the July 28th event at Cowboys Stadium. Those tickets will be available in February as well as all the information you’ll need to decide what ticket option works best for you. You can visit mercuryone.org for information and to pre-register for the event.
In 2010, Glenn brought hundreds of thousands of people to Washington, DC for “Restoring Honor”, an event which called for Americans to look to one another and to God for solutions rather than government. In 2011, Glenn and thousands of others went to Jerusalem, Israel for “Restoring Courage”, where Glenn and prominent faith leaders stood in solidarity with the nation of Israel. “Restoring Courage” was broadcast over GBTV, one of the world’s largest streaming video networks with more than 230,000 subscribers.
Glenn said, “It is time to deemphasize the political solution and first demand real change in ourselves. When we restore honor, courage and Love we will lead our nation away from fear, anger and hatred and ‘finish the hard work ahead to heal our nation with malice toward none and charity for all.’”
Glenn Beck