Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Global Warming Scam Part 7

The IPCC (Solomon et al. 2008) does not seem to envisage that global temperatures might fluctuate or oscillate, perhaps accompanied by oscillating energy “imbalances” something Hansen et al. (2005) cannot believe in either. Schlesinger and Ramankutty (1994) applied a statistical technique called “singular spectrum analysis” to four global-mean surface temperature records which had been de-trended by means of a simple climate/ocean model based on the supposed radiative forcing due the increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentration.

Three global-mean surface temperature records (Jones, Hansen, Vinnikov 1992) de-trended by a simple climate/ocean model were compared with singular spectrum analysis of the same data. The mean length of the oscillation identified was estimated as 65, 66, 70 and 69 years for the four temperature records studied. They also applied the technique to 11 geographical subsets of the data of Jones et al. (1991). Similar results were obtained for all regions, with the best agreement shown by North Atlantic, North America, and Eurasia.

In a later paper Andronova and Schlesinger (2000) removed the modelled effects of the supposed anthropogenic warming, volcanoes and the sun from the updated record of Jones (1999) and confirmed the presence and further progress of the previously identified oscillation shown in Figure 1.5 to 1999. Klyashtorin and Lyubishin (2003) have recently independently confirmed this “quasi-cyclic fluctuation” with about a 60 year period in the surface record of Jones et al. (2001) and they have demonstrated the existence of a variation of 50-60 years interval in reconstructed temperatures for the past 1000 years. The oscillation identified by Schlesinger and Ramankutty (1994) can be seen in a range of temperature records, global, regional and local. In many of these the postulated anthropogenic contribution is not evident. The steady temperature increase supposedly due to anthropogenic causes seems to have ceased since 2002.

The mean global surface temperature anomaly record shows a temperature increase imposed on the oscillation, which is not present in most other records, such as those shown below, so it is an artefact of the methods used in the collection and processing of the surface temperature data rather than an indication of warming from increases in anthropogenic greenhouse gases. The oscillatory behaviour often appears to be discontinuous. For example, Trenberth (1990) identified a “climate shift” in the Northern Hemisphere between 1976 and 1977. Karl et al. (2000) found climate shifts in 1912, 1945 as well as the 1976 shift.

Schlesinger and Ramankutty (1994) and Andronova and Schlesinger (2000) ignored the important climatic effects of the various ocean oscillations. Trenberth et al. (2000) focused on the most important one, the El Niño Southern Oscillation of the Pacific and derived a linear equation which was used to remove El Niño from the surface record. This corrected record removed most of the oscillation, but not the very large El Niño of 1998 or for subsequent years. Tsonis et al. (2007) have shown that synchronous behaviour of the various ocean oscillations can provide an explanation for this 65-70 year global and local oscillation in temperature. The various climate shifts can be related to particular changes in the he El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and the North Pacific Oscillation (NPO).

The El Niño ocean oscillation event of 1998 shows little temperature change from its inception in 1979. The period since then appears to correspond with the expected final peak of the oscillation. There was a “climate shift” in 2001 after which steady temperatures have persisted until the present. Again, this record shows no evidence of a long-term upwards temperature trend which could be attributed to anthropogenic greenhouse gas forcing. (Vincent Gray)

New England Patriots or Pushovers?

Earlier this year a Boston-based homosexual group, Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD), announced its drive for "6-by-12," an effort to secure homosexual marriage in all six New England states by the year 2012. With the pump primed by judicial fiats, Massachusetts, Vermont and Connecticut now have counterfeit marriage laws in place. Today, with the mantle of responsibility resting on two governors, Maine and New Hampshire face having same-sex marriage laws adopted without prior judicial decree. The reason: New England Democrats are lining up for homosexuality now as the national party has done for abortion--making it a litmus test for party loyalty and a future within the party. That is why all eyes are on two Democratic governors, John Lynch (N.H.) and John Baldacci (Maine), who both made promises to oppose homosexual marriage.

Pro-homosexual bills will likely go to the governors later this week. Will the governors live up to their promises to the people, or will they kowtow to the far left of their own party? Keeping one's promises to the electorate (consider U.S. Senator Arlen Specter jumping the GOP ship last week) seems pass? these days, but promises still matter. Lynch and Baldacci can comfortably veto these bills and ask the people to make their feelings known in the next state assembly election cycle. Residents of the two states should insist they do so.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Global Warming Scam Part 6


There is no quality control on meteorological stations. Nobody knows how many sites are close to towns, buildings, central heating pipes; what instruments are used, who measures, how often.
Some years ago the Australians published pictures of their weather stations. They were withdrawn hurriedly as most could be seen to be subject to bias.. They have re-emerged recently with a new set of photos (BOM 2008), all of which look satisfactory, although the Melbourne station, in a busy city intersection, still seems to be used. Detailed information about the location of weather stations is not readily available. A recent “Google” search for photographs of weather stations provided very few outside the USA or Canada and very few appeared to be free from urban effects, or were from official sources. An exception was the Oklahoma Climatological Survey, which gave a wide range of pictures of its sites, from each compass direction. They supplied a paper (Martinez et al. 2007) which lists all the information they record regularly for each site. It should be obvious that this information cannot be obtained from a remote office and it cannot be extrapolated into the past. There seems to be an improvement taking place as a result of the publicity that is being given to unsuitable stations such as those by Davey et al. (2005) and Pielke et al. (2007) who showed that many of the US Global Historic Climatology Network (GHCN) are unsuitable. Perhaps these improvements are partially responsible for the fact that the surface and satellite records now show a measure of agreement, and both show no recent warming.


The principles which have guided the correction of the Hadley climate data are given in Brohan et al. (2006). They say under "Uncertainties": "A definitive assessment of uncertainties is impossible because it is always possible that some unknown error has contaminated the data and no quantitative allowance can be made for such unknowns. There are, however, several known limitations in the data and estimates of the likely effects of these limitations can be made” (Defense secretary Rumsfeld, press conference June 6, 2002, London) It is touching that the famous poem of Donald Rumsfeld is now inspiring climate scientists. It is worth quoting.

As we know
There are known knowns
There are the things we know we know
We also know
There are known unknowns
That is to say
We know there are some things
We do not know
But there are also unknown unknowns
The ones we don't know
We don't know".

Runnalls and Oke (2006) showed that the recorded temperature in meteorological stations can be influenced by "changes in vegetation, development (buildings, paving), irrigation, cropping and even the maintenance of the site and its instruments".


An average global temperature anomaly needs to include the 71% of the earth’s surface that is ocean. There are many temperature measurements made from ships, but the quality control is much worse than on the land and even then whole regions have no figures. Folland and Parker (1995) have claimed to have found a way of incorporating the data. One difficulty is that many early measurements were from buckets drawn from the sea and it is sometimes uncertain whether the buckets were metal or wood. During the first World War measurements could not be made on deck. Also some measurements are from a weather station on board, often beneath the funnel.

Both American temperature compilers, the Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS) and The Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) have never accepted the use of the sea surface measurements for a global average and they have to resort to a whole host of dubious devices to claim that their figures are “global”. They use recent satellite measurements for the ocean (Reynolds et al. 2002) and extrapolate them into the past. It is very suspicious that incorporating the sea surface measurements seems to make little difference.

Although only 29% of the earth’s surface is land, it is remarkable that, the peak number of 5ºx 5º grid-boxes from land-based weather stations was 880 in 1980, which includes 34% of the earth’s surface. This has been achieved because there are many stations on small islands surrounded by ocean where the land temperature is assumed to be typical of the surrounding ocean. Also a proportion of sea surface measurements is from fixed buoys and weather ships. These and the land stations measure above the surface, whereas current sea surface measurements are made from ship’s engine intake, which is below the surface.

The Brawl's in Obama's Court

In the speech that catapulted Barack Obama to fame in 2004, the young Democrat said, "There is not a liberal America or a conservative America. There is a United States of America." Five years later, the same man will face his biggest test to prove it: the nomination of a U.S. Supreme Court Justice. Since the election, Washington has been prepared for a vacancy on the high court, most likely from the aging, Left-leaning justices. Yesterday, reports confirmed that Justice David Souter, 69, will be the first to exit, giving the new President his first crack at reshaping the Supreme Court. Will he plow ahead with a pro-abortion, anti-faith radical (as he did with 7th Circuit Court nominee David Hamilton) this early in his presidency--or will he bide his time on a full-blown congressional war and nominate a judge that both sides can agree on?

As a candidate, Barack Obama prided himself on his ability to work with conservatives. His first 100 days, however, have been a case study in unilateralism. When asked why he moved away from bipartisanship, the President dodged the question and said, "Whether we're Democrats or Republicans, surely there's got to be some capacity for us to work together, not agree on everything, but at least set aside small differences to get things done."

On Wednesday, President Obama decided his best way to "get things done" was to use congressional rules to block any meaningful participation by Republicans on controversial policies like health care reform and education. While those decisions can be overturned, lifetime appointments cannot. As both sides are painfully aware, nothing in this administration's legacy will withstand the test of time like President Obama's judicial nominees.

To that point, the White House would be wise to take into account the growing public consensus on the sanctity of human life. While some people are pointing at social conservatives as the cause of the Republicans' woes, a new poll suggests that the GOP's platform on life may be its biggest appeal. According to the most recent Pew Research Center poll, American support for abortion is experiencing its steepest decline in at least a decade. Since last August, the proportion of people who believe that abortion should be legal in most or all cases has dropped from a small majority--54%--to 46%. The drop is particularly noticeable in the youngest generation (18-29) whose support for abortion dropped by five points (from 52% to 47%) in just nine months. The conservative trend is even affecting women. Fifty-four percent said abortion should be legal in most or all cases last summer, while less than half (49%) feel that way today.(

Obama Taxes America's Patience

While you would never know it from the mainstream media, President Obama's approval ratings are the second worst for any President after 100 days in forty years. Only Bill Clinton's numbers were worse--and by one percentage point! That outlook is unlikely to improve once taxpayers realize the impact of this week's budget resolution. Not only are they on the hook for the President's $3.5 trillion plan, but their middle-income tax cuts--a signature promise of Obama's candidacy--were dropped from the budget package to make room for the administration's radical social policies.

Now that the President has committed Americans to roughly $10 trillion of government spending, he has quietly decided not to extend the middle-income tax relief beyond this year. In February, the stimulus package included a tax credit that provided $400 to individuals and $800 to married couples. Now it appears this "relief" will be a one-time affair. Faced with the decision to keep his word to 95% of Americans or scrap it in favor of his aggressive social agenda, President Obama (much like Bill Clinton after 1992) chose the latter.

Why is the middle class not being allowed to keep its modest tax break? To paraphrase Willie Sutton, who was asked why he robbed banks, it's because "that's where the money is." The middle-class tax cut mirage is fading quickly as we approach Obama's first summer in office.(

Friday, May 1, 2009

Global Warming Scam Part 5

The “Mean Daily Temperature" which is obtained by one reading per day of the maximum and minimum temperature for the past 24 hours is taken to be the average of these two figures. However, the actual 24 hours for which it applies is the previous 24 hours of the time of measurement, not the actual daily 24 hours. The measurement of Max and Min is made at different times in different places and It also changes over time and from one place and one country to another. This bias in "mean daily temperature" is called the "Time of Observation Bias" (TOB) by the Americans and together with all the other inaccuracies in their measurements, they make a gallant effort to try and "correct" for it. These efforts are described by Vose et al. (2003). There is some very interesting information in this paper. We learn, for example, that "the majority of the US Cooperative observing Network is staffed by volunteers". I wonder what their qualifications are, or who checks up on them and what situations apply in other countries?. They also say "When the observation day differs from the calendar day a "carry over" bias of up to 2.0ºC is introduced into monthly mean temperatures. Also “Non-calendar day observations also result in a "drift" bias of up to 1.5ºC in monthly mean" because there is a carry over from the previous month. If the day is different, then so are the month and the year. They state that there has been a systematic change in the preferred observation time in the US, requiring a large correction they recorded near sunset before the 1940s and switched to mornings after that, giving a "slight" warm bias to the later readings. A diagram showing the distribution of time of observation now for the USHCN (United States Historical Climatology Network) stations shows a wide level of variability. They make a "correction" for the US, which may not apply elsewhere. It is doubtful whether knowledge of conditions 100 years ago is very reliable.

The unrepresentative meteorological temperatures are often measured in places of increasing population, more buildings, more concrete, growing vegetation, more cars, more heating and therefore subject to a positive bias. The evidence that this is happening is overwhelming. It is the only authenticated “anthropogenic” effect on the climate (Gray 2000, McKitrick and Michaels 2004, 2008).

The IPCC have repeatedly quoted the paper by Jones et al. (1991) as evidence that urban heating is negligible. These authors examined an “extensive” set of rural station temperature data for three regions of the world - European parts of the Soviet Union, Western Australia and Eastern China. When combined with similar analyses for the contiguous United States, the results are claimed to be representative of 20% of the land area of the Northern Hemisphere and 10% of the Southern Hemisphere. They worked out the linear slope of temperature anomalies for the rural series in each case and compared it with the same slope for several gridded series. For the Western USSR, it covered the period 1901-1987 and 1930-1987, for Eastern Australia it was 1930-1988 compared with 1930-1997, for Eastern China it was 1954-1983 and for the contiguous United States it was 1901-1984. The differences between urban and rural slopes were only significant at the 5% level for Eastern Australia and for one set of Eastern China. They concluded “It is unlikely that the remaining unsampled areas of the developing countries in tropical climates, or other highly populated parts of Europe, could significantly increase the overall urban bias above 0.05ºC during the twentieth century”

It is unclear whether this small correction has been made for the most recent version of the Jones et al. global temperature series. There are several things wrong with the Jones et al. (1991) paper.

• The quality of the data is even worse than usual. They admit “It is unfortunate that separate maximum and minimum temperature data are not more widely available.”

• The qualification for a “rural” site is a population below 10,000 for Western Soviet Union, below 35,000 for Eastern Australia, and below 100,000 for Eastern China. There is ample evidence (Gray 2000) that urban effects exist in such places.

• They have chosen countries with a continuous record of effective scientific supervision. These are not representative of the rest of the world, where changes of country and adequate supervision are far less common.

Even these countries raise doubts. Russia had a tyrannical regime where statistics were frequently manipulated for political purposes. China had a major famine from the “Great Leap Forward” between 1958 and 1959 and also a manipulation of statistics.

Two of the countries, the contiguous USA and China have such reliable records that, when corrected, they show no global warming, or residual urban influence (see Figures 3 and 4), but these two well monitored countries cannot be regarded as “typical” of the rest of the world. In the very same year there appeared in Geophysical Research Letters another paper which included two of the authors of the previous paper, Wang and Karl (Wang et al. 1991). The abstract of this paper reads “We used 1954-1983 surface temperature from 42 Chinese urban (average population 1.7 million) and rural (average population 150,000) station pairs to study the urban heat island effects. Despite the fact that the rural stations are not true rural stations, the magnitude of the heat islands was calculated to average 0.23ºC over the thirty year period, with a minimum value (0.19ºC) during the 1964-1973 decade and maximum (0.28ºC) during the most recent decades.”

This study appears to have used the same stations that were claimed to have no urban bias in the first paper and now there is an urban bias even if “rural” now includes places with population as high as 150,000. The early paper (Jones et al. 1991) states, of Eastern China, “The stations were selected on the basis of station history: We chose those with few, if any, changes in instrumentation, location or observation times”.

Wang et al. (1991) says “They were chosen based on station histories. We chose those without any changes in instrumentation, location, or observation times”. Both papers were written at the same time and different conclusions made from the same data. Recently, Keenan (2007) has shown that many of the Chinese stations moved several times over the period in question, in one case 15 km and he accuses Wang of outright fraud, as he must have known this at the time.
Confirmation of continuing urban warming in China has been documented by Ren et al (2008) who, from 282 weateher stations in Northern China from 1960 to 2000, that there was an urban bias of 0.16ºC per decade for cities over 500,000 population, down to 0.07ºC per decade for small cities (100,000 to 300,000). The National bias was estimated t 0,11ºC per decade, However, these were all by comparison with “rural” measurements, which were assumed to be immune from urban heating. Another paper used by the IPCC (Solomon et al. 2007) as evidence that urban warming is negligible is by Peterson (2000) "Assessment of Urban Versus Rural In-Situ Surface Temperatures in the Contiguous United States: No Difference Found". This paper supplies much more information on the observation process and its snags than has appeared before.

The IPCC has chosen to consider the phrase "No Difference Found” as implying that it is evidence that no difference exists. The text shows that this untrue. Peterson merely found that his sample size was insufficient to obtain a statistically significant figure.

He studied only three years of data, 1989-91, so he was unable to study "trends". His excuse is rather startling. "A longer period would increase the problem of missing data". The problem of missing data is not otherwise mentioned, but it must be important if it has an influence after only three years in the USA. The data are not given and the problem must be even worse outside the USA. He chose for study 40 clusters of stations, well distributed over the country; a total of 289 stations, 85 "rural", 191 "urban" and 13 "suburban. It was surprising to learn that in the Unites States there are several different types of instrument and shelter. There were 106.9 maximum and minimum liquid-in-glass thermometers in a Cotton Region Shield (CRS, resembles a Stevenson Screen), 142.8 thermistor based instruments in a MMTS shield, 35 hygro-thermometers in an HO-83 housing and 2.3 hygro-thermographs. (The fractions are from changes during the three years). There are photographs of these three types. If the Americans have several different instruments what kinds are used elsewhere? Corrections had to be made for urban/rural location, elevation, Time of Observation Bias, instrumentation and siting. The total remaining overall urban/rural bias before the others were applied was +0.31ºC. This is half the amount claimed to be caused by greenhouse gases since 1900. However, when the other corrections were applied, together with their inaccuracy levels, the urban/rural bias was reduced to +0.04ºC.

The Time of Observation Bias was the largest, accounting for a correction of -0.17ºC. This was because rural stations had a higher proportion of morning readers. Differences in elevation accounted for a correction of -0.11ºC because rural stations in the USA are usually higher up than the cities. Differences in instrumentation accounted for a bias of 0.05ºC because rural stations had a higher proportion of hygro-thermometers that had a warm bias over the period and latitude changes gave a negative bias, -0.06ºC, as urban stations tended to be a little further north than the rural stations.

The fully adjusted urban/rural bias of +0.04ºC was regarded by Peterson as equivalent to zero because it was not significant at the 90% level. But this does not mean that the bias does not exist, as assumed by the IPCC. It merely means that Peterson’s sample size was not large enough to give a result with a higher level of significance. It is simply not true to claim “No Difference Found.”

In most other countries the complex correction procedures carried out by Peterson are impossible as they do not possess the numbers of sites for comparison, or the supervision or the scientific expertise. Corrections for Time of Observation Bias, Elevation, and Instrument Change may be impossible, so the first, unadjusted result of Peterson's, an urban/rural bias of +0.31 ºC, could be the best estimate. Two recent papers by Parker (2004, 2006) seek to show that urban warming does not happen. He argues that because daily mean, Maximum or Minimum Temperatures are not influenced by windy conditions, therefore urban heating is negligible. But the "day" that gives average wind conditions is usually a different "day" from that used for the daily mean, the Maximum and Minimum. In the second paper he seems to have realised this after he wrote the paper, so he puts the problem in Appendix A, where some "private communications" helped him out, but he does not list the ones which did not.

The idea that urban heating should be influenced only by the strength of the wind and not its direction, and that there are no other factors involved, is simply a gross oversimplification of a complex issue.

The only other country that has attempted a similar correction exercise is China and they also show no evidence of greenhouse warming. Jin et al. (2005) used measurements with a MODIS spectrometer on NASA satellites to measure the urbanisation effect globally and over several selected cities. In July 2001, for night time and daytime temperatures, urban areas between 30 and 60 degrees north are eight degrees Celsius above a surrounding forest by day and two degrees above at night. These are much greater than the "corrections" that are made to the surface record. There were also large differences between urban surfaces and cropland and for selected cities.

They make the following comment, which is relevant to the Peterson paper and to the IPCC approach "Urban areas have generally been determined from satellite data from the night time lighting. Such a measure is more an index of electricity use than of urban features that are significant for climate study”. McKitrick and Michaels (2004, 2008) showed that the surface anomalies for 1979 to 2000 were significantly biased by rises in population, energy usage, sample defects and GDP. Removal of these effects reduced the average temperature trend by about half. Pepin and Lundquist (2008) chose temperature records from high altitude weather stations and plotted the average trend over recent years, which is slightly downwards, as are the general trends. Only a few urban stations show a rise. So the glaciers are unlikely to be receding because of "warming" after all.

The Price of Change?

Democrats delivered another gift on the President's 100th day: their approval for his gigantic $3.4 trillion budget plan. Republicans, on the other hand, were not in a giving mood. Every last one of them voted against the resolution in the House (233-193) and Senate (53-43). Interestingly, four Democratic senators (Arlen Specter, Ben Nelson, Evan Bayh, and Robert Bryd) and 17 Democratic congressmen joined the GOP in opposition. Adopting the budget in its current form means that the statutory limit on the national debt automatically spikes by $925 billion to a whopping $13.0 trillion. Congressional Quarterly also makes the point that "debt subject to the statutory limit will grow to $17.0 trillion by fiscal 2014." As of yesterday, the national debt stood at $11.2 trillion. Apart from the price tag, the most troubling aspect of the resolution is that the majority party used the reconciliation process to silence future debate on major overhauls to health care and education. These rules allow the leadership to ramrod policies through Congress by a simple majority instead of 60 votes. So much for the White House's promise of "transparency... as the touchtone of this presidency." (