It took only 17 pages, from The U.S. Constitution, to create this great country of ours, and now it will be over 2,000 pages, from the New Health Care Bill in the Senate, to destroy it. Our President and many politicians in Washington D.C. want to create a fundamental transformation of America, that our Founding fathers fear the worse would happen. Our founding fathers created the U.S. Constitution to protect the people from the government. They originally created the Articles of Confederation, which had no centralized government with power. They created this first because of what they feared would happen when a government would have power over the people. Since the Articles of Confederation was to far as an anarchy, it fail. So then came the U.S. Constitution, which created a centralized government, but also included amendments that would stopped the government from taking away power from the people, and the people's power is freedom. With the New Health Care Bill being processed in the Senate right now and being pushed to be passed very soon, there is several things put in this bill that contradict what was put in our Constitution. Many of these politicians, including our President, were sworn into their positions by stating they would protect the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. It is clear now they have no clue in what that means, they don't care what the Constitution says. Many of them would say it was written for the people back then, and today things need to be changed. There is so much corruption in Washington right now, if our founding fathers were alive they would be sick to their stomachs when they know what is happening to the nation they created.
I want to make something very clear. When they tell you of the importants of having health care for those who are not insured, that is their selling point. They say it is a right for the people to have health care; when you find that right in the U.S. Constitution let me know.
To help you understand better of why these people in Washington D.C. are pushing this Health Care Bill, you must first understand the mine of a Progressive. Most people when they hear someone is a progressive, it means they are a liberal, or a democrat, but they are not the same thing. Progressivism is not a party, it deals with the individual that seeks to redefine, reshape, and rebuild America. They what a country where individual liberties and personal property mean nothing. They want GOD out of the government and country, and want you to think they are your god.
The progressive movement began in the beginning of the 20th century. The core philosophy started as the role of government to be a Nanny State, where they believe all people are stupid and don't know what is best for them. The progressives then decided how you should live your life. The first waves came when they decided that we are drinking too much (they brought Prohibition), then they thought we were not praying enough taxes (they created the progressive income tax), and then they thought we were spending money on the wrong things (they produced redistribution through the tax code). I hope a lot of this is coming to light to you. They also hid themselves within both major parties, democrats and republicans. It is the reason when election time comes around, and you are left in deciding candidate A and candidate B. Most cases, you think to yourself you have to decide the lessor of two evils. For an example, this last election in 2008. You had Barack Obama, a radical left progressive, and then you had John McCain. John McCain was considered the "conservative" candidate, but he said that Theodore Roosevelt (one of the original progressives) was one of his favorite presidents. These two candidates may have appeared to come from two different political parties, but their philosophy of the role of government all came from the same corrupt place.
I will explain more about Progressivism in later posts to help you understand the battle we are embarked in now. But First, YOU must decided now, do you want freedom or bondage. Do you want the ability to fail and succeed, or do you want to be dependent on the government to decide for you. Do you want GOD to be a huge part in how you live your life, or do you want men and women in Washington D.C. be your gods.
I will conclude with some words from Benjamin Franklin and Samuel Adams. Franklin said, "only a virtuous people are capable of freedom." Samuel Adams said, "It is the greatest absurdity to suppose it would be in the power of one, or any number of men, at the entering into society, to renounce their essential natural rights, or the means of preserving those rights; when the grand end of civil government, from the very nature of its institution, is for the support, protection, and defense of those very rights; the principal of which...are life, liberty, and property. If men, through fear, fraud, or mistake, should in terms renounce or give up any essential natural right, the eternal law of reason and the grand end of society would absolutely vacate such renunciation. The right to freedom being the gift of God Almighty, it is not in the power of man to alienate this gift and voluntarily become a slave."