The global warming scam is the result of the widespread belief in a new religion, based on the deification of anebulous entity, “The Environment”. "The Environment" is an extension of the concept of “Nature* which was held sacred by the Romantics, but it is a much more demanding deity, requiring constant and increasing sacrifices from humans. Environmentalism is just the latest attempt to find a substitute for the theory of evolution and it is paradoxical that it can be so widespread when next year (2009) is the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin and the 150th anniversary of the publication of his major work “The Origin of Species as the Result of Natural Selection”. All of the basic beliefs of Environmentalism are in direct conflict with contemporary understanding of the principles of Darwinism. Despite this fact, many scientists are supporters of Environmentalist dogmas and some are prepared to claim that they are compatible with Darwinism.
The religious belief (from Genesis Chapter 1, verse 20) that humans have “dominion” over the earth is now extended so that humans take over the function of God and are responsible for all other creatures. Human influence is purely negative and destructive. The other creatures would be better off without us. We are destroying the planet. As this proposition is absurd, desperate attempts must be made to find evidence to support it. Campaigns have been conducted against the human use of chemical pesticides (“Silent Spring”), of “Depletion” of “Resources” (“Club of Rome”), and against the “Population Bomb” (Ehrlich) and even against plastic bags and baby’s bottles. The latest and most successful campaign is the claim that the earth is being dangerously warmed by human emissions of greenhouse gases. The widespread restrictions on “emissions” that have followed have led to the collapse of the world energy industry, with soaring prices of oil and electric power and deliberate promotion of world poverty by the use of agriculture to produce “biofuels” instead of food.
A greenhouse enables higher temperatures within it because it prevents release of the rising warmer air caused by solar radiation. This is quite different from the claimed “greenhouse effect”; the absorption of infra red radiation from the earth by some of the components of the earth’s atmosphere, called “greenhouse gases”. This absorption heats the atmosphere and causes “global warming”. The whole question is, by how much, and does it matter? The claim that human emissions of greenhouse gases are dangerously warming the earth was first made by the
Swedish chemist Arrhenius (1865 and see Wikipedia 2008). The claim was criticised at the time, and as global temperatures fell for the subsequent 15 years, followed by the First World War and an economic crisis, the claim lost urgency. It was, however, revived in 1938 by Callendar who selected atmospheric carbon dioxide results to suit his theory from the many available. He suffered a similar fate to Arrhenius, since global temperatures fell for the following 38 years. During this period confident predictions were made of the coming ice age, some by the same
scientists (such as Rasool and Schneider 1971) now predicting future warming.
Since temperatures seemed to be rising once again, the claim that human-emitted greenhouse gases are warming the earth was taken up by the environmental movement in the late 1970s as yet another example of their belief that humans are harming the earth. In order to prove this proposition they were faced with three insoluble problems.
• It is not possible to measure the average temperature of the earth’s surface. To do so would involve placing thermometers or other measuring equipment in a random and representative fashion over all parts of the surface, including the 71% that is ocean. Since this is currently impossible, it is equally impossible to find if the average temperature is increasing.
• It is not possible to measure the average greenhouse gas concentration over all parts of the earth’s atmosphere by placing measuring equipment randomly throughout.
• Since weather cannot be predicted reliably more than a week or so ahead, it is impossible to provide reliable forecasts any further ahead than this.
None of these problems has been solved, but environmentalists have succeeded in persuading many people that they have provided scientifically acceptable solutions. This paper examines the “evidence” that has been presented so far, and shows that all of it is scientifically unsound. (Vincent Gray)
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