Earlier this year a Boston-based homosexual group,
Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD), announced its drive for "6-by-12," an effort to secure homosexual marriage in all six New England states by the year 2012. With the pump primed by judicial fiats,
Vermont and
Connecticut now have counterfeit marriage laws in place. Today, with the mantle of responsibility resting on two governors, Maine and
New Hampshire face having same-sex marriage laws adopted without prior judicial decree. The reason:
New England Democrats are lining up for homosexuality now as the national party has done for abortion--making it a
litmus test for party loyalty and a future within the party. That is why all eyes are on two Democratic governors,
John Lynch (N.H.) and
John Baldacci (Maine), who both made promises to oppose homosexual marriage.
Pro-homosexual bills will likely go to the governors later this week. Will the governors live up to their promises to the people, or will they kowtow to the far left of their own party? Keeping one's promises to the electorate (consider U.S.
Senator Arlen Specter jumping the GOP ship last week) seems pass? these days, but promises still matter. Lynch and Baldacci can comfortably veto these bills and ask the people to make their feelings known in the next state assembly election cycle. Residents of the two states should insist they do so.
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