Tuesday, February 24, 2009

New Start

I would want to apologize to everyone for being the worse at keeping a blog up to date. When I first started this blog is was because of the pressure I was getting from my Family. I thought it was a great idea to keep people informed of my life progress. As you have seen it didn't last very long. I really don't know how to explain in detail how I faded away from the blogger world, but lets just say I have put in a New Years resolution to be better at this, and yes, I know New Years was 55 days ago, so I am having a late start on this. Recently there has been some changes happening in my life, hopefully for the better. Instead of summarizing what has happen since last time a posted something, I will just begin with current events. I am current living in Salt Lake City with Nana and Papa. Papa recently went through back surgery and is now in recovery. There has been many tasks that have become hard for Nana to accomplish with Papa's recovery. Primarily physical aspects. For me, I have decided I needed to take a break from school, for a couple of reasons. First, I have become a little departed from the desire to learn and finish school. Second, I have pushed to become more independent, and thus pay for my own education. With that said, I needed a job. With several unsuccessful attempts to getting a good job in Logan, I turned my thoughts to Salt Lake. With my current needs, and with Nana and Papa's needs, I felt that for me moving down to Salt Lake would be the best decision for me at this time. I also knew I could help out a lot down here and hopefully have a more successful ability in finding a job. Now that I have brought you up to speed, I will go into more detail on my current situation. I will start with Nana and Papa. Both are doing well, but there has been some detours in the process. First Papa has become been recovery fairly well, far as his mobility. There has been, since the surgery pain issues. With the pain issues, comes the difficulties of having a good night sleep. Papa has only been abled to sleep in segments of 30 mins, 1 to 2 hours at times. With his unsuccessful ability to sleep very well at night, he is able make it up some what during the day with several successful naps. With these complications, it has brought a heavy toll on Nana since she often wakes up every time Papa wakes up during the night with moans of discomfort with pain. On a funny side note, Papa had an intense conversation with his Doctor(the one the did the back surgery). Here's Papa, hoping that he can get back on the Tennis Court soon, but is told by the Doctor that it is not going to happen for a long while, and that he will have pain issues for a long time also. Where Papa couldn't really understand why they give him pain pills after surgery to stop the pain, but in fact they don't really stop the pain. On the good side, I have been enjoying going swimming with Papa at 6:30am every morning. The swimming pool has help Papa a lot with rehab. Anyways, all is well. I am trying to help Nana as much as I can so her burden is lighter. Far as for me, I will give my situation now. I have just started my new job as a Security Officer. This job started as just another job opportunity and taking it. Now as I have finished the training and beginning the work on site, I have found this as great opportunity to help and serve people, which is what I really love to do. The Company I work for is called AlliedBarton, I'll give a link to their website so you can learn more about them (http://www.alliedbarton.com). They are a very successful company and have a great reputation. In training for this job I when through written exams for the company, the state, and the country on security issues. This being exam on the basic course of a security officer, state licensing, and the countries policies on terrorism. I did very well on all of the exams, and in fact I was the best in my class. After that training, I had one on one weaponless self-defense course. This is where I learned how to take people down if necessary, and how to protect myself from any hostiles. On top of this, I also got certified in using mace and handcuffs. It is important to know that I am not a Police Officer, but I do have the legal right to make a citizen arrest if I witness someone making a felony or one is about to cause harm to someone or themselves. Hopefully I wont have to use physical force, but in my area I will be serving it may be necessary. With this I am also CPR and AED certified. This was necessary for us to be ready to respond to emergency first aid situations and be abled to control them before EMTs have arrived. I won't go in all the detailed in what a Security Officer is supposed to do, but I will let you know that our main responsibilities is to Observe and Report. I hope that I can be successful with this job and save money so I can return to Logan and Graduate from Utah State with a bachelor in Business Finance. Finance is still a passion of mine, but for right now it is put on hold. In other news, I am keeping myself as active as possible with the local singles ward. I received a calling as an Assistant Financial Clerk. It has already been a blessing and a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the organization in the church. Well, I think I have written more than I have before in one post, but I am making a push in keeping everyone up to date on current events with me. I also have a lot of other topics I have been racing in my mind and been wanted to share with everyone. I will post these ASAP! In conclusion, I better finish this post since I am going to be late for Yoga Class, yes I am taking Yoga. Its a class being offered at the church every Tuesday night. Nuf said, hope everyone has enjoyed this post and will come back regularly to fine new posts being made. Love you all, Justin.


Anonymous said...

Awesome post Justin, thanks! Welcome back to the blogsphere! I love to read about your life and what's going on. You did a great job in telling us about your "New Start". Good luck on your job and thanks for helping Papa and Nana so much. I believe you are on a new start to great things!

Anonymous said...

I am speechless! Thank you for the update! Hope you enjoy blogging --it's a lot of fun once you get into it.